Media about us

(only czech articles available)



Why do I support the project OCHRANA OBYVATEL (“population protection”) (Vitezslav Jonas, senator)


Data Boxes: Is it a trouble?   (Blesk - 19.8.2010)



What you learn in youth...   (Moje země, říjen 2008)



Safety on the way to school   (Žena Plus, 12.9.08)



Before midnight - Česká televize ČT24  (Česká televize ČT24, 3. září 08)



Celebrity is a firefighter    (Hasičské noviny, 18.9. 2008)



Defence training without gas masks  (Rodina a škola, září 2008)



Dear fans of biking, do you know the rules?    (Květy-28.8.2008)



 Municipalities near military radar want better warning system   (Mladá fronta DNES)



At noon sirens deafened the Czech country. They have been doing it for six years already. (

Centrum pro bezpečný stát z.s.

Civic association is registered by the Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic under No. VS/1-1/70 120/08-R

Main objectives arising from statutes of the association:

  • public educational campaigns, educational and preventive events for public and local governments,
  • communication improvement between public and local or state authorities including IZS units,
  • informational service improvement for public and local governments,
  • applied research to gain new knowledge and skills in civil protection, crisis management and crisis infrastructure.