
Important activities of „Centrum pro bezpečný stát o.s.“ arising from statutes of association is applied research to gain new knowledge and skills in civil protection, crisis management and crisis infrastructure.

These are the most important outcomes during the last three years:

Research project in 2008 focused on the threat analysis of crisis situations and preparedness of the population in these areas:

- public safety in case of fire (slideshow available only Czech)

- safety of drivers during winter term; using snow chains (slideshow available only Czech) and snow barriers for road protection (slideshow available only Czech)

- the future of nuclear energy and nuclear plants in case of energy crisis (prezentace)

The research results were used for internal needs of Centrum pro bezpečný stát o. s., publication by press releases and education of the public.

Project participation VD20062010A06 (2008 – 2010)

Research of new principles and methods in population protection measures, crisis management and increase readiness of units in the integrated rescue system (IZS) in case of negative effects of chemicals, radiological and nuclear weapons. (2006-2010, MV0/VD)


Project participation VF20112015018 (2011 – 2015)

Projects are focused on knowledge increase, resources and tools for conceptual, methodological and decision-making activities in state administration to increase national security and public safety by improving crisis management, crisis infrastructure, civil emergency planning, improving preparedness and operational capability of IZS. (2011-2015, MV0/VF)

Centrum pro bezpečný stát z.s.

Civic association is registered by the Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic under No. VS/1-1/70 120/08-R

Main objectives arising from statutes of the association:

  • public educational campaigns, educational and preventive events for public and local governments,
  • communication improvement between public and local or state authorities including IZS units,
  • informational service improvement for public and local governments,
  • applied research to gain new knowledge and skills in civil protection, crisis management and crisis infrastructure.